| in English: The light of growth | The artwork is inspired by the values of the Finnish Education Trade Union ( Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö ).
| in English: Firefox | The artwork is inspired by the famous Firefox of the ancient Finnish myth...
| in English: Pure |
| in Finnish: Unikot auringossa |
| in Finnish: Kissankello |
| in Finnish: Sinivuokko |
| in Finnish: Pohjanlumme |
The artwork is inspired by Jesus as the good shepherd in the Bible: “I am the light of the world. ...
| in Finnish: Revontulien tanssi |
The two pieces are designed to be a set together.
| in Finnish: Elämän alku | The three pieces are designed to be a set together, a trilogy. ...
In the next photo: The artwork with its wooden frame.
| in English: The light of growth | The artwork is inspired by the values of the Finnish Education ...
| in English: Sorbus Aucuparia, the sacred tree | The artwork is inspired by the Kalevala, the fam...
| in Finnish: Kesän hohtavia aarteita | For the painting is used copper and silver metallic colour...
| in Finnish: Syksyn hohtavia aarteita | For the painting is used copper and silver metallic colour...
| in Finnish: Talven hohtavia aarteita | For the painting is used silver metallic colour hues.
The drawing is also available in 20 signed art prints on soft canvas (limited edition of 20 numbered...